picTrove is the best app to search photos from the Internet on iOS and Android. You’ll simply love how easy picTrove makes it to browse beautiful photos from multiple Internet services arranged side-by-side.
picTrove helps you find the highest quality photos, shows a crisp image resized to your device resolution, and saves the original files for later actions. Find the best images from many different Internet services.
Multiple services
picTrove searches photos from multiple services simultaneously, giving you more choice than you ever imagined was possible.
Search query customization
The key to finding the best pictures, is to let you, the user, configure the search the way you want to. picTrove gets out of your way, and lets you configure all possible combinations with draggable slider controls.
Photo actions
When just looking at photos you’ve found is not enough, picTrove lets you go further with photo actions. Dive deeper to find more photos from the same source, or open the photo in a different app to share or edit it. See it in a web browser. Save it so you can view it offline. Done with ease using action buttons in the full screen photo browsing experience in picTrove.
Browse Deeper
You know what you like best; when you do find it with picTrove, it doesn’t have to stop there. picTrove will help you easily dive deeper to see more photos from the same website or user. picTrove can even find more sizes of the same photo or visually similar photos for website searches.
Photo library album
picTrove maintains an album in your device’s photo library where you can export saved photos from picTrove. Direct, single button save from full photo view and bulk export from the Saved Photos area are super cool!
With picTrove you can sit back and relax as picTrove goes through your search results or your saved photos in a beautiful slideshow. Each photo is presented with a different transition effect and the next photo is shown only after it has fully finished loading.
External screen support
The outstanding connected screen support in picTrove lets you see your searched photos in maximum detail on your large display. Use this to present slideshows of your saved photos to everyone in the room, or just sit back and let picTrove present you photo search results like you’ve never seen them before!
Controller / keyboard support
Presenting a slideshow with picTrove? Got a bluetooth keyboard or a game controller? Then picTrove has you covered. Press up/down or left/right on your controller to move back/forward in the full screen browser with smooth transition effects.
Extensive settings
picTrove supports extensive customization of the user interface and behavior of the app. You are fully in control to decide what details you see on thumbnails, or the full screen photo view.
Full image pre-fetching
As you browse through full photos, picTrove downloads the photos ahead of your current place so you don’t have to wait for them to load when you get there.
Side-by-side search
We’ve worked really hard to make sure you have the best possible experience finding the best photos you want. Swiftly scrolling through beautifully arranged thumbnails from so many services will bring you joy!
Vertical Layout
The vertical layout feature activates automatically on iPhone and small screen devices for the best layout of photo thumbnails. The concise layout is a brilliant way to see photos from multiple services.
Saved Photos
When you save photos that you like within picTrove, it remembers where the photo came from and all the original actions are still available. Photos are saved and exported in their original full resolution. You can browse the saved photos without an Internet connection.
Search web site extension
For the first time, picTrove let’s you search a website or webpage for photos right from where you’re browsing, in Safari or other supporting apps on iOS 8.
Saved Searches
When you navigate to the full photo view of any search, picTrove automatically saves the search phrase you used to get there. Saved searches are available from within any picTrove search screen as an alternative to Search Suggestions.
Animated GIFs
For the first time, picTrove innately supports animated GIFs as a regular part of the photo viewing experience.
Search Suggestions
picTrove offers suggested search phrases while you’re typing. You can even fill a suggestion that you like into the search box and continue typing from there.
Passcode Lock
Want to keep prying eyes away from what you’ve got saved in picTrove? You can block any access to picTrove app on your device with a 4 digit passcode and picTrove will not allow anyone in unless they know it. It’s simple and it’s safe.
With it’s comprehensive launch URL scheme in picTrove, photo search can be integrated with 3rd party apps for automatic search results display.
Full screen photo viewer
Inside picTrove’s full screen photo viewer you can use simple and easy touch gestures to see searched photos the way you want to. Fast swipe to a photo you like, pinch or double-tap to zoom and single-tap to hide all distracting navigation and action buttons.
Progress display
picTrove always downloads the highest resolution picture possible to give you the most crisp image possible. During this process you can always see accurate download progress, with a percentage pie-chart along with actual bytes downloaded.